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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Shooting Fish In A Barrel

We all have choices in life; we choose the easy way or the hard way and it is all based on how we setup our future. We can either choose to catch one fish at a time, or to develop or to use a system that is like shooting fish in a barrel.

I believe in the K.I.S.S. principle: Keep It Stupid Simple!

I remember as a kid, my Dad would take us "fishing" once or twice a year. The cool thing was my Dad believed more in "catching" than "fishing", so he would ensure his success by planning for it in advance.

Here is how it worked...

He would grab my brother and I along with a case of beer and head out to the commercial fishing boats, just as they were landing their catch. At the moment the fish was on board, he would get up close on the other side of the boat, hold up the case of beer and have my brother and I ask for some fish.

When we got back to the beach (usually within a half hour), we would typically have 3 or 4, 15-20 pound Salmon in our boat that would have likely cost us 5 times the cost of the beer and all day in the boat; this is a great example of "shooting fish in a barrel."

The other key component was that he had a system; he used a boat, beer and kids as his tools to get what he wanted, which was Salmon.

Now, to this day, I am terrible at "fishing", but I do know something about "catching" as it is the result that counts!

Earning Thousand Dollar Profits is like shooting fish in a barrel; especially when you use a system that is proven to work.

I am offering you the same system that I have used to make me a boat load of money, so come and learn about our Reverse Funnel System and start "catching" some money; it is like shooting fish in a barrel!

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